

Acts 20:28: Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to FEED the church of God, which he hath...

What Is Godly Parenting?

Godly Parenting

Godly parenting is the practice of raising children in a way that is consistent with biblical principles and values. Proverbs 22:6 say “Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not…

The Ten Lost Tribes Of Israel

The Ten Lost Tribes Of Israel - Feed Me The Word Today

The ten lost tribes were the ten of the Twelve Tribes of Israel that were said to have been deported from the Kingdom of Israel after its conquest by the Neo-Assyrian Empire circa 722 BCE. These are the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Manasseh, and Ephraim; all but Judah and Benjamin. Claims of descent from the “lost…

Maranatha – The Lord is Coming

Maranatha - The Lord is Coming - Feed Me The Word Today

The Word Maranatha appears only once in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 16:22. Maranatha (Aramaic: מרנאתא; Koinē Greek: Μαρανα θα, romanized: marana-tha, lit. ‘come, our lord!’; Latin: Maran-Atha) is an Aramaic phrase. Maranatha was used by Paul in 1 Corinthians…

What Failure Truly Means

Failure - Fmtwtoday

Failure is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success.[1] Failure is part of success, in the time past, we view failure as a product of poor performance or misfortune,…

Morris Cerullo, American Evangelist, Dies at Age 88

Morris Cerullo - Feed Me The Word Today

World-renowned American Pentecostal Evangelist, Morris Cerullo, was announced dead in the early hours of Saturday (July 10, 2020) in San Diego, California, United States, US. Cause of death: Pneumonia Cerullo was known as a man with a deep passion for…